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Client implementations

API version 1.6.0

This support documentation for the Profifact API should be sufficient to build your own client for the Profifact service and you are encouraged to do so. Do not hesitate to contact Profifact if you encounter problems but do take into account that Profifact may not be experts on your chosen platform or programming language. Our experience is that most problems can be fixed by carefully reading this support documentation.


  1. Example
  2. Contributions


For testing purposes and as an example of what a client might look like, Profifact provides a full client implementation in PHP. Usage examples and clients for other platforms may be added in the future. Download the source code (licensed under EUPL v1.1).


Have you written a client, a plugin or any other piece of software that communicates with the Profifact service? Feel free to contribute the source code so that other Profifact users may take advantage of your work. Send your source code with a short description to and it will get listed in this section.
Some conditions for your contribution to be listed: